Pramod Nagaraj

Operations & Client Acquisition

A passion for driving has seen Pramod steer the Operations and Business Development wheels of Fulcrum Global, right from its inception. Taking the driver’s seat, Pramod’s responsibilities include managing global clientele, client acquisition from new and emerging markets, strategic project management, process standardization to achieve excellence and seamless operations.
An experienced senior professional with more than 2 decades of experience in strategizing and managing the migration of complex business processes, he is passionate about building and retaining talent, focusing on business communication, optimizing team soft skills, and anchoring customer orientation for teams. An attentive listener who dedicates time to groom the next line of manager and popularly known as “The Coach”, his ever-calm attitude makes him the go-to man; not just for Customers, but for his team too.

In short, Pramod represents the Customer within Fulcrum and knows when to shift gears and press the accelerator! While not at work, Pramod loves to be behind the wheels, cook his signature dishes and play billiards.

Success Mantra: “Patience, Persistence & Perspiration make an unbeatable combination for Success”

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